Agents of Germ Crazy – Mega Virus Spore
Just when the body cells have suffered enoughA new evolution of appears that is toughIt replicates and reinforces, it dominates
Just when the body cells have suffered enoughA new evolution of appears that is toughIt replicates and reinforces, it dominates
The poor bodies cells can take no more,They are infected and destroyed by this spore,But to add insult to injurious
“There’s no stronger barrier, no higher blockadeAttackers faced with this obstacle are always dismayedIt stands immovable in obsidian blackand deters..
“When the minions of the plagues descendThey rapidly meet dismal endsThis generator spews forth it’s defendersTo meet and annihilate the
The final stage of the reinforced units can hold whole armies at bay but at a significant cost to the
The third stage of the fortified cells is even stronger and designed to have the stopping power for larger multipart
The second stage of the fortfied cells is stronger and able to defend units for longer It also deals with
First type of the fortified cell variant. This type is the first of four stages of foritfied cell. Although quite
The nano tesla tower is a defensive unit with an aggressive nano laser beam. Brilliant for dispatching tougher units on
“These hardy cells bring order,By making up the battlegrounds border,They are resilient and very tough,But even they can have enough.”