We have assembled a diverse and multi-skilled core team but also have access to a large bank of potential contributors through our contacts in the creative and gaming community.
The Team consists of:
The‘Old Guard’ including Andrew Williamson and Ian Williams who designed and published the original game over thirty years ago.
The‘Young Bloods’ including Alex Williamson, Joe Wills and Jordon Albon all department heads in the highly acclaimed Fall out London project as well as lots of experience with their own projects.
The‘Experts’ including Joanna Sendecka and Becki Smith and Dean Carter to provide Project Management, financial control and scientific accuracy for the project. As well as game QC and design input
Andrew Williamson (Old Guard)

Solution and Technical Architect, Project Manager
Role in Project
Lead Game Designer
Relevant Skills
Designed original game and other games.
Designer of many business-oriented products and software modules.
AI conceptual designer.
Black box and high-level developer.
Extensive business and project experience.
RTS and other strategy games, MMOs, FPS.
Minecraft (Large scale creative works) and pretty much everything else.
Other Interests
Meta philosophy, advanced physics and cosmology, polymathic analysis.
probability gap theory and investigation, Airsoft and outdoor adventure
(Used to be a caver/climber), roleplaying.
Ian Williams (Old Guard)

Senior Systems Developer and Technical Consultant.
Role in Project
Lead Developer
Relevant Skills
Lead Develop of original game and other games.
Skilled Designer/Developer in many many languages and Systems.
Written literally millions of lines of code for multiple business and general applications.
MMOs, FPS and pretty much everything else.
Other Interests
Fantasy, science fiction and other reading, technology.
Dean Carter (Expert)

Traveller and Explorer
Role in Project
Project Manager
Relevant Skills
Game and graphics design skills
Project Lead for Fallout London Project
Multiple project roles and skills and community knowledge
Add on creator
FPS, MMOs, action role playing, most major games genres.
Other Interests
Travelling, world history, technology (particularly mobile).
Alex Williamson (Young Blood)

Web Developer and Programmer
Role in Project
Developer and Game Designer UI.
Relevant Skills
Extensive Unreal experience.
Web and other development languages, java C++ etc..
Public relations Lead for Fallout London Project.
Mod developer for Minecraft and several gaming environments.
FPS, RTS, Minecraft, and other strategy games.
Has a game library of 100s of game titles and extensive knowledge of gaming community.
Other Interests
3D printing, Model making and painting, table top gaming and roleplaying,
Music (guitar and keyboard, Airsofting, cooking.
Jordan Ronald Albon (Young Blood)

Unreal Engine and 3DSMax Lecturer
Role in Project
Lead Graphics Artist
Relevant Skills
Extensive Unreal experience.
Lead 3D artist for Fallout London Project.
3D modeller and animator at degree level.
Mod developer for several gaming environments.
VR experience designer
FPS, RTS and other strategy games.
Extensive other gameplay experience.
Other Interests
International food, baking, 3d modelling.
Joe Wills (Young Blood)

Electronics and Computer Retail
Role in Project
Game Designer – Assets/Levels and Sound
Relevant Skills
Graphics and level design skills
Lead Level Designer for Fallout London Project
Mod developer for Minecraft and other gaming environments
FPS, RTS and other strategy games. Minecraft (creative works)
A wide variety of other genres and types.
Other Interests
Model making and painting, table top gaming and roleplaying.
Joanna Sendecka (Expert)

Geneticist and Data Analyst for International Non-profit Organisation.
Role in project
Quality Control; Educational and Scientific adviser and Game Testing.
Relevant Skills
PhD in Biology encompassing Immunology and Life-history.
Project Management.
Data and statistical analysis.
Extensive laboratory experience in genetic analysis and immunology including scientific methodology and quality control.
MMO, Strategic and creative games, Minecraft, and puzzle games.
Other Interests
Gaming, jewellery and interior design, swimming, and outdoor life.
Philosophy and psychology, Music, guitar and singing, roleplaying.
Becki Smith (Expert)

Financial Controller and Project Costs Manager
Role in Project
Project and Cost Administration and Game Testing.
Relevant Skills
Financial analysis and cost control.
Business planning and reporting.
Project and relationship management.
MMOs, puzzle and strategy games. Creative games.
Other Interests
Watercolour Painting, Drawing, Clay modelling, Upcycling and collecting
rare gemstones